Financial Wanderings
2018 Newsletters
November 2018
It’s not about the midterms
Is the falling price of oil good or bad?
Will the trade war end soon?
Probably a mountain or a lake
October 2018
Will rising interest rates ruin the party?
Is the FED “loco”?
The New NAFTA and China
Probably a mountain or a lake
September 2018
Ten years since the start of the Financial Crisis
Our gain is the world’s pain
No, the markets won’t tank if Trump is impeached
Probably a mountain or a lake
August 2018
The last time the economy was this good
The “best” recession indicator
Who will win the trade war?
A tax compromise
June 2018
Why didn’t the markets celebrate the Trump/Kim summit?
Un-sychronized global growth?
The trade war is on. Why aren’t the markets scared?
Probably a mountain or a lake
May 2018
Where’s the wage growth?
Why is everyone mad at technology companies?
There are two ways to grow an economy
Probably a mountain or a lake
April 2018
Putting it in perspective
The Trump tariff tussle
The “Trade Deficit” isn’t the problem
Probably a mountain or a lake
March 2018
The wrong time for stimulus
Trade wars are not “good and easy to win”
Probably a mountain or a lake
February 2018
Is this the right time for a trade war?
Ten years beyond the Financial Crisis
Goldilocks and the disappointing GDP report
The fountain of economic youth
Probably a mountain or a lake
January 2018
How long will the economy keep growing?
North Korea got Trumped?
The unemployment rate was never “phony”
So, no one cares about the Fed anymore?
Probably a mountain or a lake